Work with the industry’s best

Introducing our team of fleet safety and compliance experts.

Safety and compliance are critical—and complex. New and changing regulations make staying current difficult. As a result, many fleets find themselves behind the curve or maybe even not following all applicable regulations. Our team is here to help. This team of industry experts have decades of experience between them. They know your industry and the regulations that apply to your specific organization.

Decades of experience Combined, our team has spent more than 30 years in law enforcement and transportation safety before joining Zonar. They understand because they’ve been there.
Shaping the industry Our experts make sure they’re the ‘go-to’ people in the room. Not content to just follow, they help shape the regulations that affect your organization and your fleet.
For all fleets Federally required or state mandated, our experts know the safety and compliance regulations that govern transit, freight, vocational and pupil fleets—including yours.
Ron Cordova

Ron Cordova, Director of Safety & Compliance

Before joining Zonar, Ron Cordova was the Regional Manager, Safety & Security, for ABF Freight®, overseeing compliance in short- and long-haul operations across five states.

Prior to that, Ron was State Partner for PrePass®, where he was responsible for site training of PrePass sites. Additionally, Ron served as the point of contact for state agencies responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement.

For 21 years, Ron served with the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, Motor Transportation Police. While there, he earned the rank of Major, and managed multiple aspects of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit, including as the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) Program Manager.

While in law enforcement, Ron served in many capacities with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), including as president from 2005 to 2006. Ron retired from law enforcement when he was a deputy with the Curry County Sheriff’s Office in New Mexico.

Today, Ron is also a member of:

  • American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Safety Committee
  • Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) Safety Committee

Experts who shape the industry

The Zonar team of experts live on the frontlines of safety and compliance. Each member participates in panels, podcasts, webinars, trainings and industry events. Every Zonar safety and compliance expert also sits on numerous committees of numerous associations. In these roles, they actively work to be the voice in the room and shape the industry as it evolves. By staying on top of emerging trends and regulations, our experts also keep Zonar leadership informed about the state of industry and best practices, so we can build solutions that support you. See the full list of associations

American Bus Association (ABA)
American Bus Association (ABA)
>Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administration (CCMTA)
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administration (CCMTA)
Association of Equipment Management Professionals, Safety Committee (AEMP)
Association of Equipment Management Professionals, Safety Committee (AEMP)
FBI National Academy Associates
FBI National Academy Associates

Free consultation

Keeping up with safety and compliance regulations is tough. Is your organization doing all it can? How will recent—or proposed—changes affect your fleet? Speak with one of our experts to learn more. Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation.

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