Know the facts about HoS and the ELD mandate.
Work with experts who’ll support you, even after installation.
The FMCSA’s Hours of Service (HoS) mandate requires drivers who need to maintain these records per Part 395, 49 CFR 395.8(a) to use electronic logging devices (ELDs) instead of paper logs. Sometimes referred to as the ELD mandate, the HoS rule applies to commercial freight fleets, bus fleets and school bus fleets that cross state lines.
The U.S. ELD mandate has been in effect since December 16, 2019. The deadline for compliance with the Canadian ELD mandate was June 12, 2021. And California has updated its intrastate ELD mandate to no longer accept paper logs without an exemption.
Our solution, Zonar Logs™ supports fleets that need to comply with ELD HoS, cross-border hours-of-service logging, intrastate rulesets and more.
Comply with the Canadian ELD mandate.
Carriers who cross the U.S.–Canadian border need to comply with both sets of rules, not just one. The deadline for compliance with the Canadian ELD mandate was June 12, 2021, and is now in effect. The Canadian ELD mandate adopted most of the FMCSA’s ELD mandate, but did not grandfather in ERDs (AOBRDs in the U.S.). Further, unlike the U.S. ELD mandate, the Canadian ELD mandate requires third-party certification for ELDs.
Choosing the right provider from the start will mitigate non-compliance issues, delays and other disruptions. Our solution, Zonar Logs, is third-party certified with Transport Canada’s accreditation body, COMDriver, for use by Canadian fleets and federally regulated carriers crossing the U.S. and Canada border. Learn more about the Canadian ELD mandate and how Zonar supports you.
Comply with the California intrastate ELD mandate.
California intrastate commercial drivers are currently required to record their HoS. Through 2023, they were allowed to use paper logs instead of the ELDs that the FMCSA requires interstate commercial drivers to use.
However, carriers and drivers are now required to use ELDs, effective January 01, 2024. And enforcement has begun, no soft start or grace period. Read our online article, The California intrastate ELD countdown is on, to learn more about the updates, exemptions and how to comply.
Experience and expertise make the difference.
ELDs are the devices required for HoS compliance. Since the U.S. mandate went into effect, some providers emerged just to sell ELD technology. Their commitment to customers ends after installation. However, according to the FMCSA, carriers are responsible for HoS compliance, not ELD providers.
Choosing the right provider is critical. We stand by you, even after the last device is installed.
Our safety and compliance experts know the HoS mandates inside and out. We also developed Zonar Logs with on our experts’ hands-on involvement, and with customers and law enforcement in mind. From the policy level to the design of our tablet, our experts made sure our ELD solution works and is in full compliance with the U.S., Canada, and California ELD mandates. And that it’s easy to use.
With our team’s help, Zonar Logs:
- Meets title 49 CFR 395 Electronic Logging Devices and Hours-of-Service Certification
- Is third-party certified with Transport Canada’s accreditation body, COMDriver, for use by Canadian fleets and federally regulated carriers crossing the U.S. and Canada border (Learn more about Canadian ELD.)
Zonar was one of the first ELD providers to:
- complete FMCSA end-to-end testing
- be independently third-party validated
- be FMCSA self-certified
FMCSA updates its HoS Final Rule.
In May 2020, the FMCSA published its new Hours-of-Service (HoS) Final Rule to increase safety. This new rule, which was updated based on public feedback, includes revisions to four key existing regulations for commercial motor vehicle drivers. It provides greater flexibility for drivers subject to those rules without adversely affecting their safety. The new rule has been published in the Federal Register, and has been effective since September 29, 2020. Read our online article, FMCSA updates its HoS Final Rule, to learn more.
From our Customers

Know if any ELD exemptions apply to you.
There are exemptions to the ELD mandate, many of which apply primarily to intrastate carriers rather than interstate carriers. Our experts can tell you which exemptions, if any, apply to you and how to help your drivers stay legal.
Read about the top 6 ELD exemptions. And download our white paper, The 100 Air-mile Radius, the Misunderstood Exception to the ELD Rule.
Get expert help.
Learn more about safety and compliance experts led by Ron Cordova. If you’re already a Zonar customer, our experts are at the ready to help you and answer your questions. If you’re not already a Zonar customer, contact them to set up your free consultation.