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Reduce fuel costs now by tracking real-world fuel usage.

Why your fleet consumes too much fuel

Big or small, every drop of wasted fuel adds up. Problem is that there are endless ways to waste fuel without realizing it.

  • Planned routes fail to account for traffic, terrain, weather, load and vehicle type.
  • Drivers leave vehicles running at stops, to warm the engine, and so on.
  • Some drivers use the vehicle for personal errands or other unauthorized purposes.
  • Improperly maintained vehicles use more fuel than if they were in peak condition.
  • Fuel theft goes unnoticed, thieves go unquestioned, and theft continues.

How to rein in those inefficiencies

Measure real-world fuel use with metrics tailored to each vehicle and trip. See where—and how—fuel is used, then implement plans to use less.

  • Identify fleetwide and individual activities, trends and driving habits that waste fuel.
  • Tailor routes to each vehicle, destination, terrain and load for each trip.
  • Build fuel-saving strategies that work when put to work in the real world.
  • Coach drivers, and implement a data-based program to reward efficient performers.
  • Identify and address unauthorized vehicle use.
  • Look for red flags that may signal internal or external fuel theft.

What you need in a fuel tracking solution

Zonar ZFuel™ is a report within in Zonar Ground Traffic Control®. ZFuel measures the whole trip, not just MPG. You translate those metrics into strategies, behaviors and policies that save fuel.

  • Track each vehicle’s real-world metrics per trip for a detailed look its actual fuel usage.
  • Compare your real-world driver against a hypothetical perfect driver with the same variables. Then coach your driver.
  • Measure performance fairly with Driver Efficiency Scores, which take into account variables that drivers can’t control.
  • Set informed idling thresholds that match company policies, and alerts when a vehicle exceeds those thresholds.
  • Look for unplanned or unexplained purchases, and amounts that exceed gas tank capacity.